Usage instructions
- The downloaded file will create your Mplus syntax files for the number of requested classes and call Mplus to run the files.
- Copy the downloaded file into the same folder as your Mplus data file.
- Double-click the file to run it.
- An input folder with Mplus input files and output folder with Mplus output files will be created when the execution of the file is done.
- Users who respond
toCollate files?
will have aresult-...
csv file created in the same folder as the Mplus data file. - Alternatively, you can collate the output files using the Collate segment below.
Linux Users:
- If you use Linux, you need to make the file an executable to run it.
- On Ubuntu, right-click the file, select Properties, then the Permissions tab. Click Allow executing file as program. Close Properties
- Alternatively through terminal:
chmod +x <file>
Pull requests welcome on repo.
If you would like to cite this website, you can use the citation below, it's APA. Thank you.
Uanhoro, J. O. & Logan, J. A. R. (2017). Mplus LCA helper: Automating latent class analysis in Mplus. Available online at: